• A systematic review of the effects of automatic scoring and automatic feedback in educational settings 

      Guerra Hahn, Marcelo ; Baldiris, Silvia ; De la Fuente-Valentin, Luis ; Burgos, Daniel (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
      Automatic scoring and feedback tools have become critical components of online learning proliferation. These tools range from multiple-choice questions to grading essays using machine learning (ML). Learning environments ...
    • La evaluación del profesorado español y el impacto del feedback en las prácticas docentes. Análisis de TALIS 2013 

      Lizasoain, Luis; Tourón, Javier; Sobrino Morrás, Ángel (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 30/09/2015)
      La finalidad de este trabajo es aportar evidencia sobre la relevancia que la evaluación del profesorado tiene en la práctica profesional de los docentes. Más específicamente, el objetivo concreto se centra en estudiar la ...
    • Keyword-Based Processing for Assessing Short Answers in the Educational Field 

      Sanz-Fayos, Javier; de-la-Fuente-Valentín, Luis; Verdú, Elena (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022)
      When grading open-ended engineering exam responses, it is assessed to what extent its content and quality suit the requirements and accomplish the objectives of the test. This is a time consuming and subjective task. The ...
    • Semiautomatic Grading of Short Texts for Open Answers in Higher Education 

      de-la-Fuente-Valentín, Luis ; Verdú, Elena ; Padilla-Zea, Natalia ; Villalonga, Claudia; Blanco Valencia, Xiomara Patricia ; Baldiris, Silvia (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022)
      Grading student activities in online courses is a time-expensive task, especially with a high number of students in the course. To avoid a bottleneck in the continuous evaluation process, quizzes with multiple choice ...