Mostrando ítems 217-219 de 1813

    • Revisión de una prueba psicológica de dominio de vocabulario: escala Bellevue 

      Fernández Huerta, José (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 01/1951)
      In this article the author shows the results he obtained when revising and adapting the additional test of vocabulary in its form of collective test which Wechsler included in the Bellevue scale to find out the adult ...
    • Informe sobre la enseñanza secundaria agrícola en Inglaterra y Gales 

      Simancas Lacasa, José Luis G. (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 01/1951)
      The author tries to give a whole idea of the organization and character of the agricultural secondary teaching in England and Wales, its principal direction being contained in the rapport drawn by the Loveday Commision in ...
    • El pensamiento pedagógico del Padre Poveda 

      Galino, María Ángeles (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 01/1951)
      D. Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1876-1936) can be considered as the founder of a feminine pedagogy through his foundation called the «Theresian Institution». The following items of his doctrine are studied in this article: A ...