Mostrando ítems 34-36 de 39

    • A Benchmark for the UEQ+ Framework: Construction of a Simple Tool to Quickly Interpret UEQ+ KPIs 

      Meiners, Anna-Lena; Schrepp, Martin; Hinderks, Andreas; Thomaschewski, Jörg (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 05/2023)
      Questionnaires are a highly efficient method to compare the user experience (UX) of different interactive products or versions of a single product. Concretely, they allow us to evaluate the UX easily and to compare different ...
    • Reliability of IBM’s Public Quantum Computers 

      Pérez-Antón, Raquel; Corbi, Alberto; López-Sánchez, José Ignacio; Burgos, Daniel (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 04/2023)
      One of the challenges of the current ecosystem of quantum computers (QC) is the stabilization of the coherence associated with the entanglement of the states of their inner qubits. In this empirical study, we monitor the ...
    • Aligning Figurative Paintings With Their Sources for Semantic Interpretation 

      Aslan, Sinem; Steels, Luc (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 04/2023)
      This paper reports steps in probing the artistic methods of figurative painters through computational algorithms. We explore a comparative method that investigates the relation between the source of a painting, typically ...