• Client Profile of Spanish Fitness Centers: Segmentation by Loyalty and Characteristics of the Client 

      García-Fernández, Jerónimo; Gálvez-Ruiz, Pablo ; Vélez-Colón, Luisa (Sports Management as an Emerging Economic Activity: Trends and Best Practices, 2017)
      With the growth of the fitness sector, a concern for client loyalty emerges as managers recognize its importance. Loyalty is the client’s predisposition to select a preferred provider and the tendency to resist any persuasion ...
    • Improving Environmental Management Systems by ISO 9001 in the Spanish Hospitality Sector 

      Martínez-Martínez, Aurora; Cegarra-Navarro, Juan Gabriel; García-Pérez, Alexeis (Sustainability in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2018)
      As the Knowledge Management discipline continues to evolve, socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation remain as key management practices for the creation of knowledge which enables organisations to ...
    • Influence of updating environmental knowledge through learning processes to improve performance in a tourist market 

      Martinez-Martinez, Aurora ; Cegarra-Navarro, Juan Gabriel; Garcia-Perez, Alexeis (2017)
      This paper examines the relationship between environmental knowledge, organisational learning and business performance through an empirical study of 87 companies in the Spanish hospitality sector. This study includes "time" ...
    • La interacción personal y su efecto en la decisión de compra 

      Álvarez Guale, Raúl; Villacrés Beltrán, Fabián (RETOS: Revista de Ciencias de la Administracion Economica, 01/2017)
      La presente investigación trata de responder el cuestionamiento acerca del nivel de relación que existe entre la interacción personal, basada en la calidad del servicio, y la decisión de compra de los consumidores en los ...
    • New insights into the genetics of same-sex behavior 

      Gallego, Lucía; De Santiago, Manuel; Soriano, Vicente (Permanyer Publications, 2021)
      Across human societies, a fraction of men and women (around 2-10%) report engaging in sex with samesex partners, either exclusively or, more frequently, in addition to having heterosexual partners (bisexuals) (ACSF. Nature ...