• Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Canarian Imagination: the Missing Flag 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Oxford Academic, 2017)
      This paper explores the under-represented political experience of Canarians in transatlantic networks of anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial resistance in the late nineteenth century. Much of the relevant historiographic ...
    • Rojava: a state subverted or reinvented? 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Postcolonial Studies, 02/04/2020)
      This article discusses how Rojava and its ‘Autonomous Administration’ simultaneously subvert and reinstate the state(s) they are fighting. Based on Abdullah Öcalan’s (b. 1948) conversion to libertarianism after his ...
    • The Chanting Frog: Speciesism and the Possibility of Communication in Issa’s Haikus 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Natura Loquens, Natura Agens: In Dialogue and Interaction with the Environment, 2018)
      The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of animals, particularly frogs, in Kobayashi Nobuyuki (1763-1827), “Issa” ’s poetry from a perspective that identifies common and parallel threads in Anarchist, Shin Buddhist ...
    • Why anarchists like zen? A libertarian reading of Shinran (1173-1263). Essays in anarchism and religion 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Stockholm University Press, 2017)
      Most attempts to formulate a Buddhist anarchism in the West take Zen Buddhism as their reference point, often disregarding other Buddhist traditions and their anarchic/libertarian potential. In re- sponse to these early ...