Listar por tema "adults"
Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Locus de control y satisfacción con la vida
(Pensando Psicología, 2023)Objetivo: explorar la relación entre el locus de control y la satisfacción con la vida en una muestra de adultos residentes en España. Metodología: se evaluó a una muestra de 231 participantes (42% mujeres, ¿58% hombres?) ... -
Parenting profiles: motivation toward health-oriented physical activity and intention to be physically active
(BMC Psychology, 2023)IntroductionParents influence their sons' and daughters' interest in practicing and maintaining physical activity through parenting patterns.ObjectiveTo identify perceived parenting style profiles and examine whether the ... -
Problematic Pornography Use in Adolescents and Adults
(International Journal of Sexual Health, 2022)The present symposium will focus on pornography use and problematic pornography use, both in adolescents and adults. It will be organized into 3 different presentations: The first presentation will be delivered by Dr. Marc ... -
Self-reported psychotic-like experiences: differences by age and associated psychopathology
(Behavioral Psychology-psicologia conductual, 2023)This study aims to explore the differences in psychopathological symptoms that may exist in the general adult population with or without psychotic-like experiences (PLEs), depending on the age range. The presence of PLEs, ... -
The relationship between motivation profiles for health-oriented physical activity, basic psychological needs and emotional regulation
(Journal of Health Psychology, 2024)The study of motivation toward health-oriented physical activity helps to know the reasons that guide people to practice physical activity. Moreover, different types and levels of motivation may coexist. As such, this paper ... -
Validation of the motivation scale towards Health-Oriented physical activity (EMAPS) in Spanish Population
(Current Psychology, 2023)The aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the motivation scale towards health-oriented physical activity (EMAPS) in the Spanish Population. A sample of 808 participants (Mage = 33.90; SD = ...