• Interlocking directorates and family firm performance: an emerging market’s perspective 

      Watkins-Fassler, Karen; Rodríguez-Ariza, Lázaro; Fernández-Pérez, Virginia; Briano-Turrent, Guadalupe del Carmen (Journal of Family Business Management, 2024)
      Purpose: This study analyses interlocking directorates from the perspective of an emerging market, Mexico, where formal institutions are weak, and family firms with high ownership concentration dominate. It responds to ...
    • Resistance Towards The Competency-Based Approach In Mexican University Institutions 

      Velasco-Martínez, Leticia-Concepción; García-Aguilera, Francisco-José (VIII International Conference on Intercultural Education and International Conference on Transcultural Health: The Value of Education and Health for a Global, Transcultural World (EDUHEM 2018), 2019)
      The introduction of the competency-based approach in higher education at an international level and, specifically, in the Mexican university system, has led to important transformations in the way of planning, developing ...
    • Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz en la dramaturgia de María Luisa Medina 

      Sanchis Amat, Víctor Manuel (Atalanta-Revista de las Letras Barrocas, 2022)
      El artículo aborda la importancia de la figura de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz en el teatro de la dramaturga mexicana María Luisa Medina. La autora, incluida por Víctor Hugo Rascón Banda en la antología El nuevo teatro (1997), ...
    • The hierarchy of needs empirical examination of Maslow's theory and lessons for development 

      Rojas, Mariano; Méndez, Alfonso; Watkins-Fassler, Karen (World Development, 2023)
      Maslow's needs theory proposes a hierarchy of needs and argues for their sequential satisfaction. The theory has been very influential in development studies, in the establishment of development priorities, in the design ...
    • Transparencia para su explotación: gobiernos intermedios español y mexicano 

      Curto Rodriguez, Ricardo (Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 01/01/2023)
      España y México son países fuertemente descentralizados y potencias en datos abiertos. Por ello, valoraremos a nivel de sus gobiernos intermedios (comunidades autónomas y estados, respectivamente) la transparencia activa ...