• Acute Viral Hepatitis in Men Having Sex with Men 

      Fernandez-Montero, José V.; Soriano, Vicente (AIDS Reviews, 2020)
      For the past 5 years, all adults presenting with > 10-fold liver enzyme elevations at the emergency department of the largest hospital in Barcelona were tested for markers of acute viral hepatitis. Out of all positive ...
    • Advances in hepatitis B therapeutics 

      Soriano, Vicente ; Barreiro, Pablo; Cachay, Edward R.; Kottilil, Shyamasundaran; Fernandez-Montero, José V.; Mendoza, Carmen de (Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease, 10/2020)
      Despite the availability of both effective preventive vaccines and oral antivirals, over 250 million people are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Globally, chronic hepatitis B is the leading cause of ...
    • Coronavirus and other airborne agents with pandemic potential 

      Fernandez-Montero, José V.; Soriano, Vicente ; Barreiro, Pablo; de Mendoza, Carmen; Artacho, Miguel Ángel (Current opinion in environmental science and health, 2020)
      The recent emergence of a novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has caused a pandemic, which is the most severe infectious disease outbreak in many decades. Other infective agents such as ...
    • Hot news 

      Fernandez-Montero, José V.; Soriano, Vicente (AIDS Reviews, 2020)
      For the past 5 years, all adults presenting with > 10-fold liver enzyme elevations at the emergency department of the largest hospital in Barcelona were tested for markers of acute viral hepatitis. Out of all positive ...
    • New sars-cov-2 variants challenge vaccines protection 

      Soriano, Vicente ; Fernandez-Montero, José V. (AIDS Reviews, 2021)
      By the end of February 2021, roughly 115 million people worldwide had been infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and more than 2.5 million had died. Uneasily, the coronavirus disease ...
    • Oral antivirals for the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection 

      Soriano, Vicente; de Mendoza, Carmen; Edagwa, Benson; Treviño, Ana; Barreiro, Pablo; Fernandez-Montero, José V.; Gendelman, Howard E. (AIDS Reviews, 2022)
      Vaccines and antivirals are the classical weapons deployed to contain, prevent, and treat life-threatening viral illnesses. Specifically, for SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccines protect against severe COVID-19 disease manifestations ...