• Development of Short Circuits for Agroecology: Case of the Madre Tierra Solidarity Market in Quito, Ecuador 

      Pazmiño-Guevara, Lizzie; Álvarez-Tello, Jorge; Becerra-Sarmiento, María; Guerrero-Vargas, Roberto (Springer Link, 2023)
      Introduction: The study evaluates the potential for responsible consumption of agroecological products in Madre Tierra fairs, in the D.M. of Quito-Ecuador, its impact on food security and the recognition of agroecological ...
    • Video Analytics in Business Marketing for Shopping Malls in Ecuador 

      Pazmiño-Guevara, Lizzie; Álvarez-Tello, Jorge; Galarraga-Carvajal, Mercedes; Pazmiño-Guevara, César; Maldonado-Pazmiño, Alisson (Springer Link, 2023)
      Introduction: Video analytics has become an important tool for improving business performance, personnel management, and security in different environments, including shopping centres. However, its use also poses a threat ...