Mostrando ítems 10-11 de 11

    • Social maturity of WWW and AI feedback: opportunities for an additional human revolution 

      Chulilla-Cano, Juan Luis; Azagra Albericio, Pilar (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2008)
      In these days, Internet Adoption Curve in developed countries belongs to an interval between early majority and late majority. There is already a significant population profile which can be defined as 'digital natives', ...
    • DSMUS 1.0 

      Redondo, Sergio; Sainz, Héctor; Chacón, Arucas (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2008)
      This paper shows how we have developed a video game for Nintendo DS in order to play “Mus”, one of the most popular Spanish card games, thereby we considered designing a video game would be an interesting way of applying ...