Mostrando ítems 19-21 de 23

    • El proceso de profesionalización: la evaluación como espacio de construcción de conocimiento 

      Rodríguez Marcos, Ana; Medina Rivilla, Antonio María (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 09/1995)
      Taking as the starting-point the In-Service Teacher Education School-Based, this paper analyses collaboration as an objetive and strategie for implementing a climate and culture that foster the educational innovation in ...
    • Participación de los padres en la gestión y control del centro escolar 

      Sáenz Barrio, Óscar (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 03/1995)
      The article briefly summarizes the legislative development of the parent¿s constitutional right to share the school control, management and administration. Next, it analizes the outcomes of «participation» in practice, ...
    • Hacia una educación para la madurez 

      Ruiz Corbella, Marta (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 09/1995)
      Nowadays, to educate as a means of achieving maturity has become the true goal of education and, I would willingly assert, it is the only way out of the crisis human beings are plunged into. It is a reliable option that ...