• Derecho a la propia imagen y convicciones religiosas en el trabajo: distintivos religiosos 

      Salido, Mercedes (Trabajo y Derecho, 2020)
      The right to the own image of the subjects that operate in the bosom of an employment relationship is reinforced and acquires a special interest when it's fruit of their religious conviction, given the growing plural ...
    • Experiences of water immersion during childbirth: a qualitative thematic synthesis 

      Reviriego-Rodrigo, E.; Ibargoyen-Roteta, N.; Carreguí-Vilar, S.; Mediavilla-Serrano, L.; Uceira-Rey, S.; Iglesias-Casás, S.; Martín-Casado, A.; Toledo-Chávarri, A.; Ares-Mateos, G.; Montero-Carcaboso, S.; Castelló-Zamora, B.; Burgos-Alonso, N.; Moreno-Rodríguez, A.; Hernández-Tejada, N.; Koetsenruyter, C. (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2023)
      Background: The increasing demand for childbirth care based on physiological principles has led official bodies to encourage health centers to provide evidence-based care aimed at promoting women’s participation in informed ...