• Biomass as Renewable Energy: Worldwide Research Trends 

      Perea-Moreno, Miguel-Ángel; Salmerón-Manzano, Esther ; Perea-Moreno, Alberto-Jesus (Sustainability, 01/02/2019)
      The world's population continues to grow at a high rate, such that today's population is twice that of 1960, and is projected to increase further to 9 billion by 2050. This situation has brought about a situation in which ...
    • Comparing wind development polices in Europe, Asia and America 

      Regueiro-Ferreira, R ; Doldan García, X (Energy & Environment, 04/2015)
      In recent years, the wind industry has undergone considerable development worldwide, thanks mainly to state support for renewable energy embodied in various standards and initiatives. However, the situation differs ...
    • Date seeds (Phoenix dactylifera L.) valorization for boilers in the mediterranean climate 

      de la Cruz-Lovera, Carmen; Manzano-Agugliaro, Francisco; Salmerón-Manzano, Esther ; de la Cruz-Fernández, José Luis; Perea-Moreno, Alberto-Jesus (Sustainability, 29/01/2019)
      Energy saving is a global priority, as it is helping both energy and environmental sustainability by reducing CO2 emissions. The search for new energy solutions is therefore necessary. In the Mediterranean climate, resources ...
    • Minimal green energy consumption and workload management for data centers on smart city platforms 

      Pei, Pei; Huo, Zongjie; Sanjuán Martínez, Óscar ; González-Crespo, Rubén (Sustainability, 04/2020)
      Presently, energy is considered a significant resource that grows scarce with high demand and population in the global market. Therefore, a survey suggested that renewable energy sources are required to avoid scarcity. ...
    • Renewable Energy Predictions: Worldwide Research Trends and Future Perspective 

      Salmerón-Manzano, Esther; Alcayde, Alfredo; Manzano-Agugliaro, Francisco (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2023)
      The objective of this chapter is to have a global perspective of the research related to renewable energy predictions and thus determine the worldwide research trends in this field. For this purpose, all the publications ...
    • Worldwide trends in energy market research 

      Salmerón-Manzano, Esther ; Alcayde, Alfredo; Manzano-Agugliaro, Francisco (Energy Services Fundamentals and Financing, 2020)
      This study examines global research on the subject of energy market in Scopus database. For this purpose, a bibliometric research has been carried out in the fields of title, abstract, and keywords. All the records obtained ...
    • Zapote seed (Pouteria mammosa L.) valorization for thermal energy generation in tropical climates 

      Perea-Moreno, Miguel-Ángel ; Hernandez-Escobedo, Quetzalcoatl; Rueda-Martínez, Fernando; Perea-Moreno, Alberto-Jesus (Sustainability, 05/2020)
      According to the Law for the Use of Renewable Energies and the Financing of Energy Transition, Mexico's goal for 2024 is to generate 35% of its energy from non-fossil sources. Each year, up to 2630 tons of residual biomass ...