Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 41

    • Los impactos socioeconómicos del Camino Primitivo en Asturias: percepciones de los residentes 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2021)
      El objetivo general de esta investigación es realizar una evaluación de los impactos económicos y sociales sobre las localidades asturianas por las que transcurre el Camino Primitivo. Para ello se desarrolla un análisis ...
    • La industria editorial española: dos décadas clave de transformación y cambio (1996-2016) 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Investigaciones de historia económica, 2021)
      El propósito de esta investigación es analizar las principales transformaciones que han tenido lugar durante el periodo 1996-2016 en la industria editorial española como consecuencia del cambio tecnológico y su adaptación ...
    • Innovation, creativity and tourism 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Emerald, 2018)
      Purpose - The main aim of this chapter is to show the paramount role that both creativity and innovation have in order to state competitive advantages in tourism. Methodology/approach - The approach is based both on ...
    • Los Modelos de Negocio y la transformación digital en la industria editorial española 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Informacao & Sociedade-Estudos, 07/2019)
      De modo análogo a otras industrias culturales, la industria editorial atraviesa un período de transición y cambio técnico orientado a la implantación del formato digital que cuestiona sus modelos ...
    • Percepciones de los estudiantes de posgrado ante la gamificación del aula con Quizizz 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Texto Livre-Linguagem e Tecnologia, 2022)
      El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar las percepciones que los discentes universitarios de posgrado tienen al utilizar Quizizz, en el contexto de la asignatura de Gestión Cultural Avanzada en el Ámbito Editorial, ...
    • Perceptions of the Graduate Students on the Utilization of Quizizz in Virtual Classes 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 2022)
      This research explored the perceptions that postgraduate students have of a compulsory subject within a master’s degree from a Spanish online university when using Quizizz. A mixed methodology is used where the qualitative ...
    • Persuasion and Engagement in the Spanish Bookfluencers 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Publishing Research Quarterly, 2023)
      This research aims to analyze the persuasiveness of bookfluencers and the impact of content formats on their followers’ engagement and intention to purchase books. The theoretical framework for this study is the Elaboration ...
    • Publishing Industry: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Production Indexed in Scopus 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Publishing Research Quarterly, 2022)
      The general goal of this work is to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in the publishing industry between 2012 and 2022. For this purpose, the following research posed the following questions: ...
    • Residents' perception of pilgrimage tourism sustainability In mountain regions: The St. James Primitive Way Case in Asturias 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022)
      The main objective of this research is to evaluate the changes in local conditions in the economic, sociocultural, and environmental perspectives in association with the development of the pilgrimage tourism sector from ...
    • Residents’ perception of sustainable tourism in protected mountain areas: the case of Asturias 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Journal of Mountain Science, 2022)
      Spain is the country with the most Biosphere Reserves in the world, 52, and Asturias, with 7, ranks first among the single-province Autonomous Communities. The tourist interest in these natural spaces is increasing, but ...
    • Spanish booksellers facing disruptive technological challenges 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Publishing Research Quarterly, 01/12/2019)
      The present study focuses on the effects of technological change over the Spanish booksellers’ business models. For this purpose, it is conducted a survey amongst 103 Spanish bookstores belonging to the Spanish Confederation ...
    • Spanish Publishing Companies on Social Networks 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Publishing Research Quarterly, 06/2020)
      The general goal of this research is to address the way in which the twenty-five first Spanish publishers in literature publication manage their social networks. For this, through the PRGS model, the weight of the main ...
    • Sustainable tourism in mountain protected areas of asturias: An analysis from tourists' perceptions and profiles 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2019)
      Tourism can act as an important engine for rural development in peripheral mountain communities that often face many economic, social and environmental challenges [1]. In fact, although tourism activity has become a primary ...
    • The effects of COVID-19 on the Spaniards’ reading habit 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (University of Idaho Library, 2021)
      The general objective of this work is to analyze the reading habit of Spaniards during and after COVID-19 confinement in the same period of the following year. The specific goals are: first, study the purpose of reading; ...
    • The escape room as a teaching tool in the university virtual classroom: perceptions and learning results 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Proceedings - JICV 2022: 12th International Conference on Virtual Campus, 2022)
      The general objective of this research is to determine if the use of escape rooms improves the learning performance of postgraduate students of the International Economic Environment subject of the Master's Degree in Foreign ...
    • The impact of digitization in Spanish scholarly publishers 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (LIBER Quarterly, 2019)
      This paper analyzes the impact of digitization on the Spanish scholarly publishing sector. Scholarly publishers are those publishing mainly books of interest to the scientific, academic and/or university community or that ...
    • The Impact of Digitization on the Spanish Publishing Industry 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (International Journal of the Book, 2018)
      The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of technological change on the Spanish publishing industry and to see how the industry is adapting to the new digital environment. This work provides deep insight into ...
    • The Publishing Industry in Spain: A Perspective Review of Two Decades Transformation 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Publishing Research Quarterly, 09/2020)
      The main aim of this study is to examine the leading transformations that have occurred throughout the period 2000-2018 in the Spanish publishing industry as a consequence of technological change and its adaptation to the ...
    • The role of RIBS on digital transformation and technological changes in the Spanish publishing industry 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Malaysian journal of library&information science, 2021)
      The present study, employing survey research design, analyzes the role of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) in the processes of digital transformation and technological changes of publishing companies in Spain. ...
    • Variables conductoras de la industria editorial española 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Profesional de la Información, 11/2018)
      Esta investigación tiene por objeto identificar la evolución y tendencias del sector editorial español. Para ello se hará uso en primer lugar de fuentes estadísticas oficiales disponibles sobre el mercado editorial y los ...