Mostrando ítems 241-243 de 1813

    • De educación social 

      García Hoz, Víctor (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 07/1951)
      In this article Dr. García Hoz means, in a purely informative way, to answer the question: "how are those educators formed who are neither teachers nor parents considedered as such educators?" In order to facilitate the ...
    • Estudio de aplicación del test Ballard de inteligencia en la escuela primaria 

      Fernández Huerta, José (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 07/1951)
      One of the tests which is more used within the walls oy the primary school is that of the London school inspector Ballard's. Having account of the different Spanish versions and adaptations, Dr. Fernández Huerta has tried ...
    • La corriente psicológica herbartiana y sus aportaciones al método pedagógico moderno 

      Villarejo Mínguez, Esteban (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 07/1951)
      The purpose of the author is to discuss the psychological fundaments of the Herbart school and to point out its bearing on the modern pedagogical method. Starting from the statement that according to Herbart's opinion ...