Mostrando ítems 709-711 de 3932

    • Editor's Note 

      Blanco Valencia, Xiomara Patricia (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2021)
      The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence - IJIMAI - provides a space in which scientists and professionals can report about new advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). On this ...
    • A Study on RGB Image Multi-Thresholding using Kapur/Tsallis Entropy and Moth-Flame Algorithm 

      Rajinikanth, V.; Kadry, Seifedine; González-Crespo, Rubén; Verdú, Elena (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2021)
      In the literature, a considerable number of image processing and evaluation procedures are proposed and implemented in various domains due to their practical importance. Thresholding is one of the pre-processing techniques, ...
    • Local Technology to Enhance Data Privacy and Security in Educational Technology 

      Amo, Daniel; Prinsloo, Paul; Alier, Marc; Fonseca, David; Torres Kompen, Ricardo; Canaleta, Xavier; Herrero-Martín, Javier (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2021)
      In educational environments, technological adoption in the last 10 years has enabled a data-driven and decisionmaking paradigm in organizations. The integration of cloud services in schools and universities is a positive ...