Mostrando ítems 592-594 de 3926

    • A Model for Planning TELCO Work-Field Activities Enabled by Genetic and Ant Colony Algorithms 

      Henriques, João; Caldeira, Filipe (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 09/2022)
      Telecommunication Company’s (TELCO) are continuously delivering their efforts on the effectiveness of their daily work. Planning the activities for their workers is a crucial sensitive, and time-consuming task usually taken ...
    • Editor's Note 

      Shu, Lei; Rodrigues, Joel J.P.C.; Cohn, Anthony G.; Mao, Qirong; Li, Maozhen (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 09/2022)
      As the Internet of Things (IoT) further develops and expands to the Internet of Everything (IoE), high-speed multimedia streaming data processing, analysis, and shorter response times are increasingly becoming the demands ...
    • Historia del silencio. Del Renacimiento a nuestros días 

      Pimentel, Aurora (Nueva Revista, 09/2019)
      Reseña de "Historia del silencio. Del Renacimiento a nuestros días" de Alain Corbin, por Aurora Pimentel. El Acantilado, Barcelona, 2019, 143 págs.