Mostrando ítems 571-573 de 3934

    • La formación en liderazgo: una asignatura pendiente 

      Becerro Torres, María (Nueva Revista, 11/2019)
      Uno de los claros desafíos de la educación actual —sin duda uno de los más retadores— es la formación en liderazgo. No cabe duda de que al término de la etapa académica salimos de nuestras universidades con muchos y ...
    • Editor's Note 

      González-Crespo, Rubén (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2022)
      The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence – IJIMAI – provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances ...
    • Adaptive Deep Learning Detection Model for Multi-Foggy Images 

      Hussein Arif, Zainab; Mahmoud, Moamin; Hameed Abdulkareem, Karrar; Kadry, Seifedine; Abed Mohammed, Mazin; Nasser Al-Mhiqani, Mohammed; Al-Waisy, Alaa S.; Nedoma, Jan (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2022)
      The fog has different features and effects within every single environment. Detection whether there is fog in the image is considered a challenge and giving the type of fog has a substantial enlightening effect on image ...