Mostrando ítems 19-21 de 35

    • Evaluating ChatGPT-Generated Linear Algebra Formative Assessments 

      Rigaud Téllez, Nelly; Rayón Villela, Patricia; Blanco Bautista, Roberto (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2024)
      This research explored Large Language Models potential uses on formative assessment for mathematical problem-solving process. The study provides a conceptual analysis of feedback and how the use of these models is related ...
    • A Trustworthy Automated Short-Answer Scoring System Using a New Dataset and Hybrid Transfer Learning Method 

      Maslim, Martinus; Wang, Hei-Chia; Putra, Cendra Devayana; Prabowo, Yulius Denny (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2024)
      To measure the quality of student learning, teachers must conduct evaluations. One of the most efficient modes of evaluation is the short answer question. However, there can be inconsistencies in teacher-performed manual ...
    • Requirements for User Experience Management - A Tertiary Study 

      Hinderks, Andreas; Domínguez Mayo, Francisco José; Escalona, María José; Thomaschewski, Jörg (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2024)
      Today’s users expect to be able to interact with the products they own without much effort and also want to be excited about them. The development of a positive user experience must therefore be managed. We understand ...