Mostrando ítems 19-21 de 39

    • How Does the Visualization Technique Affect the Design Process? Using Sketches, Real Products and Virtual Models to Test the User’s Emotional Response 

      Alonso-García, María; Palacios-Ibáñez, Almudena; de-Cózar-Macías, Óscar D.; Marín-Granados, Manuel D. (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 01/2024)
      Testing products during the design process can help design teams anticipate user needs and predict a positive emotional response. Emerging technologies, e.g., Virtual Reality (VR), allow designers to test products in a ...
    • Traffic Optimization Through Waiting Prediction and Evolutive Algorithms 

      García, Francisco; Hernández, Helena; Moreno-García, María N.; de Paz Santana, Juan F.; López, Vivian F.; Bajo, Javier (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 12/2023)
      Traffic optimization systems require optimization procedures to optimize traffic light timing settings in order to improve pedestrian and vehicle mobility. Traffic simulators allow obtaining accurate estimates of traffic ...
    • A Review of Bias and Fairness in Artificial Intelligence 

      González-Sendino, Rubén; Serrano, Emilio; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 11/2023)
      Automating decision systems has led to hidden biases in the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Consequently, explaining these decisions and identifying responsibilities has become a challenge. As a result, a new field ...