Mostrando ítems 6-10 de 10

    • PInCom project: SaaS Big Data Platform for and Communication Channels 

      Lombardo, Juan Manuel; López, Miguel Ángel; Mirón, Felipe; Velasco, Susana; Sevilla, Juan Pablo; Mellado, Juan (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 2016)
      The problem of optimization will be addressed in this article, based on the premise that the successful implementation of Big Data solutions requires as a determining factor not only effective -it is assumed- but the ...
    • Real-Time Prediction of Gamers Behavior Using Variable Order Markov and Big Data Technology: A Case of Study 

      Baldominos, Alejandro; Albacete, Esperanza; Marrero, Ignacio; Saez, Yago (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2016)
      This paper presents the results and conclusions found when predicting the behavior of gamers in commercial videogames datasets. In particular, it uses Variable-Order Markov (VOM) to build a probabilistic model that is ...
    • Social Network Analysis and Big Data tools applied to the Systemic Risk supervision 

      Mochón, Mari-Carmen (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 2016)
      After the financial crisis initiated in 2008, international market supervisors of the G20 agreed to reinforce their systemic risk supervisory duties. For this purpose, several regulatory reporting obligations were imposed ...
    • Text Analytics: the convergence of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence 

      Moreno, Antonio; Redondo, Teófilo (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2016)
      The analysis of the text content in emails, blogs, tweets, forums and other forms of textual communication constitutes what we call text analytics. Text analytics is applicable to most industries: it can help analyze ...
    • Using GDELT Data to Evaluate the Confidence on the Spanish Government Energy Policy 

      Bodas-Sagi, Diego; Labeaga, José (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2016)
      The growing demand for affordable, reliable, domestically sourced, and low-carbon electricity is a matter of concern and it is driven by several causes including public policy priorities. Policy objectives and new technologies ...