Listar por tema "JCR"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 1755
2008-2017 Bogota River Water Quality Assessment Based on the Water Quality Index
(Sustainability, 02/03/2019)This article provides a deep analysis of the water quality at the upper basin of the Bogota River (Colombia) between 2008 and 2017. The Water Quality Index has been the indicator employed to determine the ecological status ... -
25 years at Knowledge-Based Systems: A bibliometric analysis
(Knowledge-Based Systems, 05/2015)In commemoration of the Anniversary 25th of KnoSys we present a bibliometric analysis of the scientific content of the journal during the period 1991–2014. This analysis shows the conceptual evolution of the journal and ... -
3D visualization through the hologram for the learning of area and volume concepts
(Mathematics, 26/02/2019)This study aims to implement and evaluate a methodological proposal using the hologram as a teaching medium for the learning of concepts related to areas and volumes of geometrical bodies. The study has been carried out ... -
A 14-year dataset of in situ glacier surface velocities for a tidewater and a land-terminating glacier in Livingston Island, Antarctica
(Earth System Science Data, 10/2017)We present a 14-year record of in situ glacier surface velocities determined by repeated global navigation satellite system (GNSS) measurements in a dense network of 52 stakes distributed across two glaciers, Johnsons ... -
A biparametric extension of King’s fourth-order methods and their dynamics
(Applied Mathematics and Computation, 05/2016)A class of two-point quartic-order simple-zero finders and their dynamics are investigated in this paper by extending King’s fourth-order family of methods. With the introduction of an error corrector having a weight ... -
A Case Study of Applying Open Educational Practices in Higher Education during COVID-19: Impacts on Learning Motivation and Perceptions
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020)Open Educational Resources (OER) have been researched for a long time in the open education field. Researchers are now shifting their focus from resources to practices for delivering open education, an area called Open ... -
A cluster-analytic profiling of heroin-dependent patients based on level, clinical adequacy, and patient-desired adjustment of buprenorphine dosage during buprenorphine-naloxone maintenance treatment in sixteen Spanish centers
(Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2018)Background: Buprenorphine dosage is a crucial factor influencing outcomes of buprenorphine treatment for heroin use disorders. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to identify naturally occurring profiles of ... -
A clustering WSN routing protocol based on k-d tree algorithm
(Sensors, 09/2018)Clustering in wireless sensor networks has been widely discussed in the literature as a strategy to reduce power consumption. However, aspects such as cluster formation and cluster head (CH) node assignment strategies have ... -
A Comparative Study on Power Flow Methods for Direct-Current Networks Considering Processing Time and Numerical Convergence Errors
(Electronics, 12/2020)This study analyzes the numerical convergence and processing time required by several classical and new solution methods proposed in the literature to solve the power-flow problem (PF) in direct-current (DC) networks ... -
A comparative study on renewable and traditional electricity: The influence of the European Union framework and the impact of COVID-19
(PLoS ONE, 2022)By means of the event study approach, we analyse the effect of COVID-19 on listed European renewable and traditional electricity companies, inside and outside the European Union, for the pandemic announcement and lockdowns. ... -
A Comprehensive Framework for Comparing Textbooks: Insights from the Literature and Experts
(Sustainable, 2022)Textbooks are essential components in the learning process. They assist in achieving educational learning outcomes and developing social and cultural values. However, limited studies provide comprehensive frameworks for ... -
A consensus support model based on linguistic information for the initial-self assessment of the EFQM in health care organizations
(Expert Systems with Applications, 06/2013)The improvement of the quality of the services is one of the primary sources of competitive advantage in health care organizations. As customers typically search for higher quality of care when choosing treatments, health ... -
A deep learning architecture for power management in smart cities
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)Sustainable energy management is an inexpensive approach for improved energy use. However, the research used does not focus on cutting-edge technology possibilities in an Internet of things (IoT). This paper includes the ... -
A deep learning model for natural language querying in Cyber–Physical Systems
(Elsevier, 2023)As a result of technological advancements, the number of IoT devices and services is rapidly increasing. Due to the increasing complexity of IoT devices and the various ways they can operate and communicate, finding a ... -
A first overview on the real dynamics of Chebyshev's method
(Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 07/2017)In this paper we explore some properties of the well known root-finding Chebyshev’s method applied to polynomials defined on the real field. In particular we are interested in showing the existence of extraneous fixed ... -
A Framework for Extractive Text Summarization Based on Deep Learning Modified Neural Network Classifier
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2021)There is an exponential growth of text data over the internet, and it is expected to gain significant growth and attention in the coming years. Extracting meaningful insights from text data is crucially important as it ... -
A Framework for Integrating Human Factors in the Early Stages of Ship Design: Application to the Mess Halls of a Surface Combatant
(Journal of Ship Production and Design, 02/2020)The new F-110 frigates project is currently in the conceptual design and definition phase. General arrangement has to be defined; there are many demands and proposals of changes. One of them is the design of the most crowded ... -
A global model for the estimation of transport costs
(Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 01/01/2020)This paper presents a model of transport cost determinants that corrects the specification problems observed in the transport cost equations in previous literature. The model includes freight transport supply and demand, ... -
A greater virulent HIV-1 subtype B variant has circulated in The Netherlands since the 1990’s
(AIDS Reviews, 2022)Despite being COVID-19 the global focus of attention nowadays, other pandemics caused by RNA viruses are ongoing. This is the case for AIDS. Roughly, 38 million people are, at present, living with HIV-1 infection worldwide ... -
A group decision making support system for the Web: How to work in environments with a high number of participants and alternatives
(Applied Soft Computing, 07/2018)One of the main challenges that the appearance of Web 2.0 and the overall spreading of the Internet have generated is how to tackle with the high number of users and information available. This problem is also inherited ...