Mostrando ítems 4086-4105 de 15271

    • Las difíciles relaciones entre familia y escuela en España 

      Ortega Ruiz, Pedro; Mínguez Vallejos, Ramón; Hernández Prados, M.ª Ángeles (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 31/05/2009)
      El presente trabajo aborda la cuestión, siempre pendiente, de la cooperación entre familia y escuela. Esta cooperación se justifica por la necesidad de que la institución escolar eduque, es decir, haga posible el aprendizaje ...
    • Difusion-Weighted MRI: from Brownian Motion to Head&Neck Tumor Characterization 

      Utrilla Contreras, Cristina; Buitrago Sánchez, Nelson Mauricio; Graessner, Joachim; García Raya, Pilar; Marin Aguilera, Begoña (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 09/2017)
      This paper describes basic physics as well as clinical applications of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. This is a technique that provides complementary information to conventional imaging sequences and it is ...
    • Difusión investigativa y posición en el ranking scimago de las universidades Españolas 

      Rodríguez Pallares, Miriam; Martín Quevedo, Juan ; Prieto-Gutiérrez, Juan José (Investigacion Bibliotecologica, 2020)
      La medición y control de la actividad universitaria es cada vez más relevante y condiciona la imagen institucional. La proliferación de rankings internacionales así lo evidencia. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar ...
    • Difusión investigativa y posición en el ranking SCImago de las universidades españolas 

      Rodriguez Pallares, Miriam; Martín Quevedo, Juan ; Prieto-Gutiérrez, Juan José (Investigacion Bibliotecologica, 2020)
      La medición y control de la actividad universitaria es cada vez más relevante y condiciona la imagen institucional. La proliferación de rankings internacionales así lo evidencia. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar ...
    • La difusión religiosa y el cine 

      Cano, José María (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 04/1951)
      Mucho me temo. señores, que ante el desarrollo de esta exposición sobre la difusión religiosa y el cine experimentéis la misma sensación general que ante las películas de carácter religioso. ¿Un film religioso? ¿La vida ...
    • Digit Recognition Using Composite Features With Decision Tree Strategy 

      Chen, Chung-Hsing; Huang, Ko-Wei (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2023)
      At present, check transactions are one of the most common forms of money transfer in the market. The information for check exchange is printed using magnetic ink character recognition (MICR), widely used in the banking ...
    • Digital and Game-Based Tools in a Course of Spanish for Specific Purposes Diplomacy 

      Veljković Michos, Maja; Robles Gómez, Margarita (Universidade Aberta, 2023)
      The arrival of ICTs in language teaching-learning has been a methodological revolution in this field. However, at present, they have become a necessity due to the global circumstances we live in, and teachers have had to ...
    • Digital competence and the use of technological resources by teachers in music conservatories and schools of music 

      García Fernández, Isaac Diego ; Anguita, Juana Mª; de las Heras Fernández, Rosa ; Calderón-Garrido, Diego (Musica Hodie, 2021)
      At present, digital technology provides innumerable new possibilities in the field of musical education. Its tools are, a valuable mediator in teaching-learning processes at the levels of elementary and university education, ...
    • Digital Competence of Future English Language Teachers: Influence of Age and Gender on Their Self-perception 

      Mosquera Gende, Ingrid (Forum for Linguistic Studies, 2024)
      This research analyses how age and gender may influence the self-perception of prospective secondary school teachers regarding their digital competence in teaching. Testing students’ self-perception can be a starting point ...
    • Digital Competences in Teacher Training and Music Education via Service Learning: A Mixed-Method Research Project 

      Cuervo, Laura; Bonastre, Carolina; Camilli Trujillo, Celia; Arroyo Resino, Deli; García, Desirée (Education Sciences, 2023)
      This study investigates applied service learning (SL) methodology with the goal of analyzing digital competence in teacher training. Twenty-three preservice teachers completed validated questionnaires regarding both general ...
    • Digital Competencies for Nurses: Tools for Responding to Spiritual Care Needs 

      Burgos, Daniel; López, Aída; Palmisano, Stefania; Timmins, Fiona; Connolly, Michael (Healthcare, 2022)
      Users show a growing interest in expanding the implementation of digital tools as a support of technical and management issues in healthcare. This medical care has focused on telemedicine but does not include the recognition ...
    • Digital Education, Information and Communication Technology, and Education for Sustainable Development 

      Ricard, Michel; Zachariou, Aravella; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2020)
      With reference to the various United Nations programmes, especially the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and, in particular, Goal 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and to promote ...
    • Digital Escape Room, Using Genial.Ly and A Breakout to Learn Algebra at Secondary Education Level in Spain 

      Jiménez, Cristina ; Aris, Nuria ; Magreñán, Á. Alberto; Orcos, Lara (Education Sciences, 10/2020)
      One of the main objectives in mathematics education is to motivate students due to the fact that their interest in this area is often very low. The use of different technologies, as well as gamification in the classroom, ...
    • Digital Fashion School 

      García-Olivares, Antonio Jesús (20/02/2023)
      El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo poner en pie un proyecto empresarial dedicado a la creación de una escuela de moda online. Se trata de una plataforma que aúna formación continuada de forma flexible desde cualquier ...
    • Digital Fit: la influencia de las redes sociales en la alimentación y en el aspecto físico de los menores 

      Feijoo, Beatriz; Zozaya Durazo, L.D.; Cambronero Saiz, Belén; Mayagoitia, Ana; González, Juan Manuel; Sádaba, Charo; Núñez-Gómez, Patricia; Miguel, Begoña (Revista de Fundación MAPFRE, 2023)
      Este proyecto se sitúa en el vértice de tres ejes: a) los influencers como destinatarios crecientes de la atención y la confianza de los menores online; b) contenidos patrocinados generados por estos influencers sobre ...
    • Digital Governance Approach to the Spanish Port System: Proposal for a Port 

      Gómez Díaz, Cristina; González-Cancelas, Nicoletta; Camarero Orive, Alberto; Soler-Flores, Francisco (Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023)
      The global changes that are currently taking place and which are driven by new forms of communication, behaviours, innovative technologies, etc., mean that ports have to be aware of or take into account these new trends. ...
    • Digital Libraries in Open Education: The Italy Case 

      Tammaro, Anna Maria; Ciancio, Laura; de Rosa, Rosanna; Pantò, Eleonora; Nascimbeni, Fabio (Communications in Computer and Information Science, IRCDL 2017, 2017)
      Open Education strategies, and specifically MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) and OER (Open Educational Resources), play an important role in supporting policies for educational innovation, lifelong learning, and, more ...
    • Digital news on public libraries: Media mapping and thematic and consumption analysis based on facebook interactions 

      Lázaro-Rodríguez, Pedro (Profesional de la Informacion, 2021)
      A study of digital news on public libraries is presented through media mapping and a thematic and consumption analysis based on Facebook interactions. A total of 7,629 digital news items published in 2019 have been considered. ...
    • Digital Reading Comprehension: Multimodal and Monomodal Inputs under Debate 

      de-la-Peña, Cristina; Chaves-Yuste, Beatriz; Luque-Rojas, María Jesús (Reading Psychology, 2024)
      In today’s digital context, it is essential for students’ academic and personal development to improve their digital reading comprehension. A comparative analysis of digital reading comprehension between three modalities ...
    • Digital storytelling: la integración de las cuatro destrezas básicas en la enseñanza del inglés 

      Ruiz-Alpuente, Ana Isabel (08/09/2013)
      Este trabajo aporta una propuesta de intervención educativa basada en el uso del digital storytelling para promover en la misma medida el desarrollo de las cuatro destrezas básicas en la clase de inglés durante la Etapa ...