Mostrando ítems 3947-3966 de 15271

    • Development of a deep learning model for recognising traffic sings focused on difficult cases 

      De Arriba López, Vanessa; Cobos-Guzmán, Salvador (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)
      The automotive industry is expanding its efforts to develop new techniques for increasing the level of intelligent driving and create new autonomous cars capable of driving with more intelligent capabilities. Thus, companies ...
    • Development of a Methodology to Securitize Household IoTs 

      González-Domínguez, Paula (26/07/2018)
      En este trabajo se lleva a cabo una profunda investigación del panorama actual relativo a los entornos IoT, para los cuales se ha identifica que existe una carencia de metodologías o estándares de seguridad definidos. ...
    • Development of a Predictive Model for Induction Success of Labour 

      Pruenza, Cristina; Teurón, María; Lechuga, Luis; Díaz, Julia; González, Ana (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2018)
      Induction of the labour process is an extraordinarily common procedure used in some pregnancies. Obstetricians face the need to end a pregnancy, for medical reasons usually (maternal or fetal requirements) or less frequently, ...
    • Development of a Shared UX Vision Based on UX Factors Ascertained Through Attribution 

      Winter, Dominique; Hausmann, Carolin; Hinderks, Andreas; Thomaschewski, Jörg (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 06/2023)
      User experience (UX) is an important quality in differentiating products. For a product team, it is a challenge to develop a good positive user experience. A common UX vision for the product team supports the team in making ...
    • Development of an early intervention programme for adolescents with emotion dysregulation and their families: Actions for the treatment of adolescent personality (ATraPA) 

      Mayoral, María; Valencia, Fatima; Calvo, Ana ; Roldán, Laura; Espliego, Ana; Rodríguez-Toscano, Elisa; Kehrmann, Lara; Arango, Celso; Delgado, Carlos (Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 10/2020)
      Aim Borderline personality disorder and severe emotion dysregulation in adolescence is a major public health concern. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy is a promising treatment for suicidality in adolescents. The aim of this ...
    • Development of an Intelligent Classifier Model for Denial of Service Attack Detection 

      Michelena, Álvaro; Aveleira-Mata, Jose; Jove, Esteban; Alaiz-Moretón, Héctor; Quintián, Héctor; Calvo-Rolle, José Luis (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 09/2023)
      The prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT) systems deployment is increasing across various domains, from residential to industrial settings. These systems are typically characterized by their modest computationa requirements ...
    • Development of executive functions in late childhood and the mediating role of cooperative learning: A longitudinal study 

      Segundo Marcos, Rafael Ibán; Merchan Carrillo, Ana; López-Fernández, Verónica; Daza-González, María Teresa (Cognitive Development, 2022)
      We examine the developmental changes in Executive functions (EFs) throughout late childhood and how the contextual factor of classroom methodology mediates such changes. Using data collected from fifty-three pupils at two ...
    • Development of Injuries Prevention Policies in Mexico: A Big Data Approach 

      Cantón Croda, Rosa María; Gibaja Romero, Damián Emilio (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2018)
      Considering that Mexican injuries prevention strategies have been focused on injuries caused by car accidents and gender violence, a whole analysis of the injuries registered are performed in this paper to have a wider ...
    • Development of Short Circuits for Agroecology: Case of the Madre Tierra Solidarity Market in Quito, Ecuador 

      Pazmiño-Guevara, Lizzie; Álvarez-Tello, Jorge; Becerra-Sarmiento, María; Guerrero-Vargas, Roberto (Springer Link, 2023)
      Introduction: The study evaluates the potential for responsible consumption of agroecological products in Madre Tierra fairs, in the D.M. of Quito-Ecuador, its impact on food security and the recognition of agroecological ...
    • Development of the HIV360 international core set of outcome measures for adults living with HIV: A consensus process 

      Marques-Gomes, João; Salt, Matthew J.; Pereira-Neto, Rita; Barteldes, Franca S.; Gouveia-Barros, Vera; Carvalho, Alexandre; d’Arminio-Monforte, Antonella; De-la-Torre-Rosas, Alethse; Harris, Amy; Esteves, Catarina; Maor, Carcom; Mora, Cristina; Oliveira, Carla; Sousa, Cristina; Richman, Douglas D.; Martinez, Esteban; Cota-Medeiros, Fábio; Gramacho, Filipa; Behrens, Georg M. N.; Gonçalves, Graça; Farinha, Helena; Nabais, Isabel; Vaz-Pinto, Inês; Sierra-Madero, Juan; Sousa-Gago, Joaquim; Thornhill, John; Vera, José; Erceg-Tusek, Maja; Tavares, Margarida; Vasconcelos, Miguel; Fernandes, Nuno; Gianotti, Nicola; Langebeek, Nienke; Anjos, Paulo; Couto, Raquel; Fernandes, Ricardo; Rajasuriar, Reena; Serrão, Rosário; Watson, Shaun; Branco, Teresa; Teixeira, Tiago; Soriano, Vicente (John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2022)
      Objectives: HIV outcomes centre primarily around clinical markers with limited focus on patient-reported outcomes. With a global trend towards capturing the outcomes that matter most to patients, there is agreement that ...
    • Development, Measurement, and Validation of a Managerial Competency Model in Spain The PUMAC Questionnaire 

      Castaño, Ana M.; Zuazua, Monica; Garcia-Izquierdo, Antonio L. (European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2023)
      Modernization of Public Administration (PA), to provide a high-quality service, requires improvements in managerial personnel assessment processes. For this purpose, we developed and validated a management competency model ...
    • Developmental aspects (including cyberbullying) 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma; Fernández-Aranda, Fernando; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Potenza, Marc N. (Mental Health in a Digital World, 2021)
      Although there is a growing interest in understanding the impact of types and patterns of Internet use on individuals of different ages, relatively few studies have fully considered developmental perspectives. This chapter ...
    • Developments on the convergence of some iterative methods 

      Argyros, Ioannis K; Magreñán, Á. Alberto ; Sicilia, Juan Antonio (Optimization and Dynamics with Their Applications: Essays in Honor of Ferenc Szidarovszky, 2017)
      Iterative methods, play an important role in computational sciences. In this chapter, we present new semilocal and local convergence results for the Newton-Kantorovich method. These new results extend the applicability of ...
    • Dew as a Service for Intermittently Connected Internet of Drone Things 

      Mukherjee, Amartya; De, Debashis; Dey, Nilanjan; González Crespo, Rubén; Herbert Song, Houbing (Dew Computing, 2023)
      With the recent advancement of the cloud, edge, and fog computing methodology data processing and buffering become more crucial tasks. This is even more critical for real-time applications like the Internet of Drone Things. ...
    • Dewey's view on knowledge and its educational implications. Critical considerations 

      Stromnes, Asmund L. (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/1991)
      Son muchas las razones que explican el notable influjo que Dewey ha ejercido en la teoría y la práctica pedagógicas. De entre todas ellas, quizá destaquen tanto el fuerte interés que el propio Dewey siempre sintió sobre ...
    • Déficit auditivo: guía de estrategias y orientaciones en el aula y propuesta de intervención 

      Moreno-Forteza, Maite (05/02/2015)
      Este trabajo trata de orientar a nivel práctico a maestros que trabajan en el aula con alumnos con sorderas neurosensoriales congénitas con un importante grado de pérdida auditiva, y que requieren una respuesta educativa ...
    • Déjà-lu: When Orthographic Representations are Generated in the Absence of Orthography 

      Jevtović, Mina; Antzaka, Alexia; Martin, Clara D. (Journal of Cognition, 2023)
      When acquiring novel spoken words, English-speaking children generate preliminary orthographic representations even before seeing the words’ spellings (Wegener et al., 2018). Interestingly, these orthographic skeletons are ...
    • Diabetes Diagnosis by Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic 

      Atmani, Baghdad; Benamina, Mohammed; Benbelkacem, Sofia (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2018)
      In the medical field, experts’ knowledge is based on experience, theoretical knowledge and rules. Case-based reasoning is a problem-solving paradigm which is based on past experiences. For this purpose, a large number of ...
    • El diablo, personaje literario en el teatro del exilio español de 1939 

      Santa María Fernández, María Teresa (452 F-Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 2022)
      En diversas obras de teatro del exilio español de 1939 aparece el diablo como uno de los personajes de la trama. En las siete obras estudiadas, que van desde Angélica en el umbral de cielo de Eduardo Blanco Amor, de 1943, ...
    • Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma of Skin Cancer Types 

      Alasadi, Abbas Hassin; Alsafy, Baidaa (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 09/2017)
      Malignant melanoma is a kind of skin cancer that begins in melanocytes. It can influence on the skin only, or it may expand to the bones and organs. It is less common, but more serious and aggressive than other types of ...