Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Unveiling the Intersection of Age and Gender in the Emotional Well-being of Older Students: A Pilot Study at the Permanent University for Adults in Alicante (Spain)
(Open Access Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, 2024)
This study assesses the emotional impact and well-being of older students at the Permanent University for Adults in Alicante (UPUA), focusing on how demographic characteristics, specifically age and gender, influence these ...
Reflective Practice and Frame Theory in Educational History. A Communicative Narrative Research Proposal
(Indonesian Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 2024)
This document presents a research proposal on the relationship between media and public perception regarding education. It is proposed, following Foster's tenets on the use of methodological pragmatism, to analyze narratives ...
Entre la Teoría y la Práctica: Un Análisis Multifacético de la Gestión Educativa y el Higienismo durante el Primer Tercio del Siglo XX
(Hipatia Press, 2024)
El presente estudio se sumerge en la gestión educativa local durante el primer tercio del siglo XX, explorando la intersección entre la educación y las políticas higienistas a través de un análisis meticuloso de documentación ...
Counter-Mapping in Geographic Education: A Novel Approach to Understanding Urban and Cultural Dynamics in Cities
(Heritage, 2024)
This study assessed the impact of counter-mapping on university students’ perception and knowledge of their cities, focusing on cultural diversity, urban dynamics, and social challenges. Using a quasi-experimental design ...
Analyzing 1937 AD Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange through the Hispano-Arab-Islamic Mecca Pilgrimage
(Jurnal Al-Tamaddun, 2024)
This research employs Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to delve into the historical interactions between Spain and the Arab-Islamic world during Franco's regime, with a focus on the 1937 pilgrimage to Mecca. ...
Enhancing Educational and Tourism Applications through Predictive Modeling of Cultural Heritage Site Visitation: use of Arima and autoregressive models
(Research Square, 2024)
This study focuses on the use of ARIMA and Autoregressive (AR) models to predict visitor flow to Civil War shelters in Alicante, highlighting seasonal patterns and differences among various visitor groups, with an enriching ...
Quantitative Evaluation of Visitation Dynamics and Audience Segmentation for Sustainable Management of Civil War Memorial Heritage in Alicante, Spain
(BP International, 2024)
This study assesses the impact of visits to the Civil War shelters in Alicante as key elements of memorial cultural heritage, using a quantitative approach and data collected between August 2023 and January 2024 Through ...
Heritage Education of Memory: Gamification to Raise Awareness of the Cultural Heritage of War
(Preprints.org, 2024)
This study focuses on the use of gamification, specifically the UrbanGame activity, to enhance heritage education related to the Spanish Civil War bombings in Alicante. The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of ...
Interwoven Emotions in the Development of Creative Processes: EcoeducaSustainable, an Educational Innovation Project
(Journal of Education for Sustainability and Diversity, 2024)
The research examines the role of emotions in creativity within educational environments, emphasizing the influence of sustainability education on adolescent students. Utilizing the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule ...
Por un envejecimiento activo de calidad: una mirada innovadora a la intersección entre aprendizaje, motivación, cognición y emociones en la universidad permanente para adultos de alicante
(Egregius, 2024)
En tiempos recientes, la educación de adultos mayores y su inclusión en programas educativos, tanto presenciales como en línea, han cobrado relevancia dentro de la comunidad académica. En este contexto, la Universidad ...