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Mostrando ítems 1080-1088 de 1088
Waste-based materials in residential house construction
(Procedia Structural Integrity, 2024)Waste from the construction sector has been increasing considerably in recent years, making it urgent to find alternatives to this waste that will enable us to preserve the environment and ecosystems. Many studies demonstrate ... -
Well-being of Older Adults in Continuing Education: Age and Gender Exploration
(Research Square, 2024)This pilot study, a precursor to more in-depth research, examines the relationship between age, gender, and well-being in older adults participating in educational programs. Employing a quantitative design, descriptive ... -
Wellbeing and Emotions in Older Adults: An Investigation at the Permanent University of Adults in Alicante (Spain)
(Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2024)This pilot study addresses the relationship between wellbeing and emotions in older adult students at the Permanent University of Adults in Alicante (Spain). The overarching objective is to analyze how education impacts ... -
What the language of the Third Reich – as described by Klemperer – can teach us about certainties in Wittgenstein’s sense
(Aufklärung revista de filosofia, 2023)Victor Klemperer (18811960) was a German Professor of Romance Languages who became famous especially for the writings in which he related how the Nazis deformed the German language to the extent of developing what he called ... -
Where the Response to Migration Begins. Zygmunt Bauman’s considerations about exile and migration
(SOCIAL Review, 07/2021)Migration is one of the main problems in the modern world, one which is globally generated, but left to the individual’s or small community’s initiative. My proposal is that any solution – including the people’s exigence ... -
«Who’s the girl now?»: The #GamerGrrrl togetherness on TikTok
(Index.comunicación, 2024)Pese a los estudios que ponen de relieve la prevalencia del sexis-mo hacia las mujeres en la industria de los videojuegos, el discurso de resi-liencia de las nuevas generaciones de mujeres gamer ha recibido mínima atención. ... -
Why anarchists like zen? A libertarian reading of Shinran (1173-1263). Essays in anarchism and religion
(Stockholm University Press, 2017)Most attempts to formulate a Buddhist anarchism in the West take Zen Buddhism as their reference point, often disregarding other Buddhist traditions and their anarchic/libertarian potential. In re- sponse to these early ... -
Winter Desires
(The Orchard Enterprises (Sony Music), 2024)Es una obra artística que combina el paisaje sonoro y la música en nueve piezas originales para piano. Estas composiciones invitan a un viaje introspectivo y emocional, fusionando la naturaleza y la música instrumental ... -
"Yo soy pintor y pinto como quiero" El bosquejo de una ninfa, de Fray Damián Cornejo
(Dykinson, 2023)López Pinciano defendió la hermandad entre pintores y poetas y elevó a nivel teórico el motivo horaciano ut pictura poesis.26 Este adquirió un gran prestigio entre los escritores barrocos, quienes veían en la pintura un ...