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Listar Artículos Científicos WOS y SCOPUS por autor "Zamora, Ángela"
Mostrando ítems 1-3 de 3
A model of the role of error detection and self-regulation in academic performance
Zamora, Ángela; Suárez, José Manuel; Ardura, Diego (The Journal of Educational Research, 2017)The authors' aim was to determine the extent to which error detection contributes to the explanation of a cognitive and motivational model of student performance in an assessment test. A total of 151 science students of ... -
Error detection and self-assessment as mechanisms to promote self-regulation of learning among secondary education students
Zamora, Ángela; Suárez, José Manuel; Ardura, Diego (The Journal of Educational Research, 2018)The authors’ objective was to study the role of error detection and retroactive self-regulation as determinants of performance in secondary education students. A total of 198 students participated in the quasiexperimental ... -
El uso de los errores como herramienta del aprendizaje autorregulado en estudiantes de secundaria
Zamora, Ángela; Suárez-Riveiro, José Manuel; Ardura, Diego (Aula Abierta, 2018)Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las relaciones entre la facilidad con que los estudiantes de ciencias de secundaria detectan sus errores, su precisión en la autoevaluación y las variables motivacionales y ...