Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11

    • Automatic image characterization of psoriasis lesions 

      Martínez Torres, Javier; Silva Piñeiro, Alicia; Alesanco, Álvaro; Pérez-Rey, Ignacio ; García, José (MDPI, 2021)
      Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects 125 million people worldwide and, par-ticularly, 2% of the Spanish population, characterized by the appearance of skin lesions due to a growth of the epidermis that is seven ...
    • Classification of Breast Thermal Images into Healthy/Cancer Group Using Pre-Trained Deep Learning Schemes 

      Kadry, Seifedine; González-Crespo, Rubén; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique; Krishnamoorthy, Sujatha; Rajinikanth, Venkatesan (Procedia Computer Science, 2022)
      In the women's community, Breast Cancer (BC) is a severe disease. The World Health Organization reported in 2020 that 2.26 million deaths occur due to BC. BC is curable if detected early. Since thermal imaging is non-invasive ...
    • CompareML: A Novel Approach to Supporting Preliminary Data Analysis Decision Making 

      Fernández-García, Antonio Jesús; Preciado, Juan Carlos; Prieto, Álvaro E.; Sánchez-Figueroa, Fernando; Gutiérrez, Juan D. (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2022)
      There are a large number of machine learning algorithms as well as a wide range of libraries and services that allow one to create predictive models. With machine learning and artificial intelligence playing a major role ...
    • Correction to: Sound measurement and automatic vehicle classification and counting applied to road traffic noise characterization 

      Acosta Agudelo, Oscar Esneider; Montenegro, Carlos Enrique; González-Crespo, Rubén (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)
      A correction to this paper has been published: © 2021, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
    • Deep and handcrafted feature supported diabetic retinopathy detection: A study 

      Kadry, Seifedine; González-Crespo, Rubén; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique; Krishnamoorthy, Sujatha; Rajinikanth, Venkatesan (Procedia Computer Science, 2022)
      The eye is the prime sensory organ in physiology, and the abnormality in the eye severely influences the vision system. Therefore, eye irregularity is commonly assessed using imaging schemes, and Fundus Retinal Image (FRI) ...
    • Improving supervised learning classification methods using multi-granular linguistic modelling and fuzzy entropy 

      Morente-Molinera, Juan Antonio ; Mezei, Jozsef; Carlsson, Christer; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique (IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 10/2017)
      Obtaining good classification results using supervised learning methods is critical if we want to obtain a high level of precision in the classification processes. The training data used for the learning process plays a ...
    • Integration of DevOps Practices on a Noise Monitor System with CircleCI and Terraform 

      Romero, Esteban Elias; Camacho, David; Montenegro, Carlos Enrique; Acosta Agudelo, Oscar Esneider; González-Crespo, Rubén; Gaona-García, Elvis; Herrera Martínez, Marcelo (ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2022)
      Lowering pollution levels is one of the main principles of Sustainable Development goals dictated by the United Nations. Consequently, developments on noise monitoring contribute in great manner to this purpose, since they ...
    • Real‐time force doors detection system using distributed sensors and neural networks 

      Pascual Espada, Jordán; García-Díaz, Vicente; Nuñez-Valdez, Edward Rolando; González-Crespo, Rubén (International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 22/07/2019)
      Intelligent security systems have evolved enormously in the last few years. Most of these security systems use a group of physics sensors and algorithms for data analysis and communication systems to notify security alarms. ...
    • ResNet18 Supported Inspection of Tuberculosis in Chest Radiographs With Integrated Deep, LBP, and DWT Features 

      Rajinikanth, Venkatesan; Kadry, Seifedine; Moreno-Ger, Pablo (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2023)
      The lung is a vital organ in human physiology and disease in lung causes various health issues. The acute disease in lung is a medical emergency and hence several methods are developed and implemented to detect the lung ...
    • Sound measurement and automatic vehicle classification and counting applied to road traffic noise characterization 

      Acosta Agudelo, Oscar Esneider; Montenegro, Carlos Enrique; González-Crespo, Rubén (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)
      Increase in population density in large cities has increased the environmental noise present in these environments, causing negative effects on human health. There are different sources of environmental noise; however, ...
    • Tree-based convolutional neural networks for object classification in segmented satellite images 

      Robinson, Y.H.; Vimal, S.; Khari, Manju; López Hernández, Fernando ; González-Crespo, Rubén (SAGE Publications Inc., 2020)
      Satellite images have a very high resolution, which make their automatic processing computationally costly, and they suffer from artifacts making their processing difficult. This paper describes a method for the effective ...