Mostrando ítems 11-20 de 46
Psychometric properties of the cyberbullying triangulation questionnaire: A prevalence analysis through seven roles
(Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2019-04)
This study explores the psychometric properties of the Cyberbullying Triangulation Questionnaire (CTQ), which measures and triangulates the roles of cybervictimization, cyberaggression, and cyberbystanding. The study sample ...
Setting a bad example: peer, parental, and celebrity norms predict celebrity bashing
(Journal of Early Adolescence, 2019-08-01)
The present study investigated the effect of descriptive and injunctive norms of peers, parents, and favorite celebrities on adolescents’ negative online behavior toward celebrities. The sample consisted of 1,255 adolescents ...
Loneliness and personality profiles involved in bullying victimization and aggressive behavior
(School Mental Health, 2019-12-01)
Bullying is a worrisome reality due to its harmful consequences. Although many constructs have been associated with bullying victimization and aggressive behavior, its relationship both with loneliness and personality has ...
Internet-Risk Classes of Adolescents, Dispositional Mindfulness and Health-Related Quality of Life: A Mediational Model
(Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2020-08)
This study was primarily aimed at identifying classes of adolescents in relation to their probability of endorsing several risks associated with the Internet (cyberbullying victimization and perpetration, cyberdating abuse ...
Profiles of Problematic Internet Use and Its Impact on Adolescents’ Health-Related Quality of Life
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019-10-02)
The internet has been a breakthrough for adolescents in many ways, but its use can also become dysfunctional and problematic, leading to consequences for personal well-being. The main objective is to analyze profiles related ...
Joint association of bullying and cyberbullying in health-related quality of life in a sample of adolescents
(Quality of Life Research, 2020-04)
Purpose Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been analyzed in relation to multiple psychosocial and health problems. However, only a few studies have analyzed the impact of bullying and cyberbullying on HRQoL. The ...
Design and Measurement Properties of the Online Gambling Disorder Questionnaire (OGD-Q) in Spanish Adolescents
(Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020-01)
Gambling disorder is of great clinical and social relevance since it seriously affects people who suffer from it. More recently, the Internet has exacerbated the problem with online casinos, poker, and sports betting. ...
Safety.Net: A pilot study on a multi-risk internet prevention program
(International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021)
Many programs exist to prevent bullying and cyberbullying. Nevertheless, despite evidence of the numerous overlapping risks of the Internet, programs that jointly and adequately address large sets of risks are not presently ...
Spanish Validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short Form (IGDS9-SF): Prevalence and Relationship with Online Gambling and Quality of Life
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020-03)
Online gaming is a very common form of leisure among adolescents and young people, although its excessive and/or compulsive use is associated with psychological impairments in a minority of gamers. The latest (fifth) edition ...
Design and Validation of the Brief Self Online Scale (SO-8) in Early Adolescence: An Exploratory Study
(Journal of early adolescence, 2021)
For the Z-Generation, the Internet has become a very important experimentation laboratory for the discovery and validation of their identity. Despite the importance of the process of building the self in the adolescent, ...