Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Students with disabilities at university: benefits and challenges from the best faculty members' experiences
(European journal of special needs education, 2023)
This article presents the results of a study that gave a voice to 119 faculty members of 10 Spanish universities, who were recommended by their students with disabilities for carrying out an inclusive pedagogy. Following ...
How to Promote Social Entrepreneurship on Urban Education? An Active Learning Implementation
(Education and urban society, 2023)
This paper analyzes the effects of active learning (AL) on the social entrepreneurship (SE) of physical education teacher education students (n = 158) from an Urban School. AL participants applied several strategies including ...
Percepción de docentes y estudiantes de educación superior de los exámenes a libro abierto y supervisados en la pandemia por COVID-19
(Educacion XX1, 2023)
En los primeros días de la pandemia de COVID-19, la educación superior se vio obligada a revisar sus procesos de evaluación. Se debían asegurar el logro competencial y la honestidad académica en las evaluaciones online. ...
Predicting cooperative work satisfaction of autonomous groups using a wiki tool in higher education
(Routledge, 2023)
This article reports the findings of a study on cooperative factors that predict higher education students’ satisfaction with using collaborative online tools. Although there is evidence of relationships between certain ...
Serious Games and Soft Skills in Higher Education: A Case Study of the Design of Compete!
(Electronics, 2023)
This article describes the serious game Compete!, developed within the European Erasmus+ framework, that aims to teach soft skills to higher education students in order to increase their employability. Despite the increasing ...
El cultivo del pensamiento crítico a través de la tutoría universitaria: una nueva oportunidad tras la Covid-19
(Revista Española de Pedagogia, 2023)
La tutoría universitaria, salvo excepciones, ha adquirido un estado que debería preocuparnos. El canon de los últimos años es un encuentro puntual y optativo para, grosso modo, aclarar dudas sobre contenidos académicos, ...