Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 887
Influence of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR)-gamma Coactivator (PGC)-1 alpha gene rs8192678 polymorphism by gender on different health-related parameters in healthy young adults
(Frontiers in Physiology, 2022)
This study aimed to analyze the influence of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma coactivator (PGC)-1 alpha (PPARGC1A) gene rs8192678 C > T polymorphism on different health-related parameters in male ...
El uso de los Videojuegos y la Gamificación como material didáctico innovador para el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales en la Educación Superior
(Edmetic, 2022)
La siguiente investigación tiene como propósito analizar en qué medida los videojuegos y las herramientas de gamificación -Quizizz y Socrative-desarrolladas son estrategias de aprendizaje que facilitan ...
Aesthetics as a Philosophical and Theological Space in the St. Francis of St. Bonaventure's Major Legend
(Religions, 2022)
This paper demonstrates that the figure of St. Francis of Assisi, as expounded by St. Bonaventure in his work Legenda Major (Major Legend), cannot be understood without certain philosophical and theological keys. Following ...
Incitación al consumo de juguetes a través de ‘youtubers’ infantiles. Estudio de caso
(Index Comunicación, 2022)
Cuando los contenidos de youtubers se centran en el consumo excesivo de juguetes en un entorno privado como el hogar y transmiten emociones positivas vinculadas a su uso, se genera una fuerte influencia especialmente si ...
Clinical Assessment of Introducing Locoregional Anaesthesia Techniques as Part as the Intraoperative Analgesia Management for Canine Ovariohysterectomy in a Veterinary Teaching Hospital
(Animals, 2022)
Simple Summary Many analgesic protocols are described to manage pain during ovariohysterectomy. Over the past few years, loco-regional anaesthesia techniques have been introduced in veterinary anaesthesia. Therefore, ...
Design and validation of an assessment rubric of relevant competencies for employability
(Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2022)
This article highlights the importance of promoting relevant competencies for employability in vocational training students, while considering the demands of the globalized world. The objective was to design and validate ...
Publicidad a medida. Impacto de las variables sociodemográficas en los contenidos comerciales que los menores reciben en el móvil
(Index Comunicación, 2022)
La preferencia de los menores por el teléfono móvil como vía de acceso a internet se constata a nivel global. Su consumo de contenidos está ín-timamente asociado a la presencia de intereses comerciales que ven en este grupo ...
Case of Study in Online Course of Computer Engineering during COVID-19 Pandemic
(Electronics, 2022)
Practical activities and laboratories, where the students handle hardware devices, are an important part of the curriculum in STEAM degrees. In face-to-face learning, the students go to a specific classroom where the ...
“Te Gusta Más Contarlo que Hacerlo”: Narrativas Falsas en Relaciones Desdeñosas
(Qualitative Research in Education, 2022)
La investigación ha encontrado que el discurso dominante coercitivo puede tener un impacto negativo en el placer sexual de las niñas. En este sentido, un estudio previo encontró que las chicas que describían las relaciones ...
Relationship between emotional motivation and academic performance in second language learning
(International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 2022)
This article presents the results of a research study on the role that affective motivation plays in learning a second language (L2). There were 171 American university students of Spain, German, Italy, and Japan as a ...