Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
Bidirectional Relationships Between Cyberbystanders’ Roles, Cyberbullying Perpetration, and Justification of Violence
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2023)
Bystanders play a key role in understanding the phenomenon of cyberbullying (CB). The main aim of this study is to explore longitudinal bidirectional relationships among cyberbystanders’ reaction, CB perpetration, and CB ...
Epidemiology of peer cybervictimization and its relationship with health-related quality of life in adolescents: A prospective study
(Journal of Adolescence, 2023)
Introduction: Research focused on the association between peer cybervictimization and declining health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is scarce. Currently, few longitudinal studies find an association between these ...
Loot box purchases and their relationship with internet gaming disorder and online gambling disorder in adolescents: A prospective study
(Computers in Human Behavior, 2023)
In recent years, the video game industry has introduced Loot Box (LB), a new type of microtransaction in which a gamer uses real currency to purchase a random virtual item within a video game. Recently, LBs became more ...
Viral internet challenges scale in preadolescents: An exploratory study
(Current Psychology, 2023)
In recent years, viral challenges on the Internet have become a very frequent phenomenon. These allude to the actions that are proposed to Internet users to record themselves performing a challenge and disseminate it on ...
Are Gifted Students More Victimized than Nongifted Students? A Comparison in Prevalence and Relation to Psychological Variables in Early Adolescence
(Journal of early adolescence, 2023)
The objective of this study is to compare the prevalence of bullying victimization and perpetration between a sample of gifted students and a sample of nongifted students, and their relationship in both groups with depression, ...
The Protective Role of Dispositional Mindfulness on Cyber Dating Abuse: A 6-Month Longitudinal Study
(Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2023)
Dispositional mindfulness has been related to a decreased propensity to aggressive behaviors toward others, including dating partners. Nevertheless, research in the context of romantic relationships is scarce, based on ...
Nomophobia Questionnaire Short-Form: Psychometric Properties and Longitudinal Association with Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in Adolescents
(International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2023)
Nomophobia has been extensively assessed with the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q). A shortened version of the NMP-Q has not been developed and longitudinal studies linking nomophobia to internalizing problems in adolescents ...
La solicitud sexual y las interacciones sexualizadas de menores con adultos: su prevalencia, solapamiento con otras formas de cibervictimización y relación con la calidad de vida
(Psychosocial Intervention, 2023)
La solicitación e interacción sexual con menores por parte de adultos constituyen uno de los riesgos más perniciosos de Internet. Se sabe poco sobre la franja de edad en el que es más frecuente o sobre la relación y el ...
Profiles of Problematic Social Networking Site Use: A Cross-Cultural Validation of a Scale With Spanish and Mexican Adolescents
(Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 2023)
In recent years, increasing interest in social networking site (SNS) use has resulted in a large body of research examining addiction to SNSs. The aim of this study was to cross-culturally validate a Spanish adaptation of ...
Uso problemático de Internet y trastorno de juego por Internet: Solapamiento y relación con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en adolescentes
(Adicciones, 2023)
El Uso problemático general de Internet (GPIU) supone un uso disfuncional del manejo y la gestión de Internet en general. En cambio, el Trastorno de juego por Internet (IGD) es una conducta específica vinculada a los ...