Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17
Health-Related Quality of Life and Cumulative Psychosocial Risks in Adolescents
(Youth and society, 2021)
Psychosocial risks can negatively affect adolescents’ physical, psychological, and social health. Grounded on the cumulative risk theory, the objective of this study was to analyze the differences in health-related quality ...
Psychometric properties of the triangulated version of the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire: Prevalence across seven roles
(Psychology in the Schools, 2020-01)
This study created a Spanish triangulated version of the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire and obtained indicators of its validity and reliability. This new tool allows researchers to triangulate and ...
Internet Risks: An Overview of Victimization in Cyberbullying, Cyber Dating Abuse, Sexting, Online Grooming and Problematic Internet Use
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018-11)
The advance of digital media has created risks that affect the bio-psycho-social well-being of adolescents. Some of these risks are cyberbullying, cyber dating abuse, sexting, online grooming and problematic Internet use. ...
Psychometric properties of the cyberbullying triangulation questionnaire: A prevalence analysis through seven roles
(Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2019-04)
This study explores the psychometric properties of the Cyberbullying Triangulation Questionnaire (CTQ), which measures and triangulates the roles of cybervictimization, cyberaggression, and cyberbystanding. The study sample ...
Internet-Risk Classes of Adolescents, Dispositional Mindfulness and Health-Related Quality of Life: A Mediational Model
(Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2020-08)
This study was primarily aimed at identifying classes of adolescents in relation to their probability of endorsing several risks associated with the Internet (cyberbullying victimization and perpetration, cyberdating abuse ...
Design and Measurement Properties of the Online Gambling Disorder Questionnaire (OGD-Q) in Spanish Adolescents
(Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020-01)
Gambling disorder is of great clinical and social relevance since it seriously affects people who suffer from it. More recently, the Internet has exacerbated the problem with online casinos, poker, and sports betting. ...
Epidemiology of Peer Victimization and its Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents: a Longitudinal Study
(School mental health, 2021)
Numerous cross-sectional studies have linked health-related quality of life (HRQoL) with peer victimization, but evidence of how this relationship may change over time is lacking. The main objectives of this study were to ...
Moderating factors of the association between being sexually solicited by adults and active online sexual behaviors in adolescents
(Elsevier Ltd, 2021)
Online sexual solicitation involves receiving sexual solicitations from adults, which can be followed by active online sexual behaviors by the victims. This study examined the moderator role of some characteristics of ...
Cuestionario de Nomofobia (NMP-Q): Estructura factorial y puntos de corte de la versión española
(Adicciones, 2021)
La nomofobia es una fobia situacional en la que se experimenta un miedo intenso, irracional y desproporcionado a no poder usar el smartphone. Se realizó un estudio instrumental de la versión española del cuestionario de ...
Epidemiology of online sexual solicitation and interaction of minors with adults: A longitudinal study
(Child Abuse and Neglect, 2022)
Background: There have been very few longitudinal studies on online sexual solicitation and the online interaction between minors and adults. Still less evidence exists on the relationship of these problems with minors' ...