Mostrando ítems 34-36 de 36

    • Use of Data Mining for Intelligent Evaluation of Imputation Methods 

      la Red, David L.; Primorac, Carlos R. (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 03/2023)
      In real-world situations, researchers frequently face the difficulty of missing values (MV), i.e., values not observed in a data set. Data imputation techniques allow the estimation of MV using different algorithms, by ...
    • Use of Optimised LSTM Neural Networks Pre-Trained With Synthetic Data to Estimate PV Generation 

      Martínez-Comesaña, Miguel; Martínez-Torres, Javier; Eguía-Oller, Pablo; López-Gómez, Javier (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 11/2023)
      Optimising the use of the photovoltaic (PV) energy is essential to reduce fossil fuel emissions by increasing the use of solar power generation. In recent years, research has focused on physical simulations or artifical ...
    • User Revocation-Enabled Access Control Model Using Identity-Based Signature in the Cloud Computing Environment 

      Kumar, Tarun; Kumar, Prabhat; Namasudra, Suyel (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 05/2024)
      Nowadays, a lot of data is stored in the cloud for sharing purposes across various domains. The increasing number of security issues with cloud data raises confidentiality concerns about keeping these stored or shared data. ...