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Mostrando ítems 8449-8468 de 15505
IoT aplicado al ámbito de la agricultura inteligente en el hogar
(02/2022)Desarrollo de un huerto inteligente conectado a una plataforma IoT para la gestión del cultivo. Se realiza la fabricación casera de un huerto inteligente a bajo coste con una propuesta de desarrollo para que un particular ... -
IoT based psychological and physical stress evaluation in sportsmen using heart rate variability
(Elsevier Ltd, 2021)Sports have become the important and most prominent play for each and every country to indulge their pride to the world. For this reason, countries are eager and interested in protecting the players/sportsmen in many ways ... -
IoT Detection System for Mildew Disease in Roses Using Neural Networks and Image Analysis
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 12/2023)Artificial intelligence presents different approaches, one of these is the use of neural network algorithms, a particular context is the farming sector and these algorithms support the detection of diseases in flowers, ... -
IRA y éxitos deportivos en deportes individuales y colectivos
(E-Balonmano COM, 2021)Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron analizar las diferencias en los niveles de ira en los deportes individuales y colectivos; y conocer si existen diferencias en los niveles de ira en los deportes individuales y colectivos ... -
Ireland and the Irish in popular cinema (1910-1970)
(Estudios Irlandeses, 2018)Reseña de "Irlanda y los irlandeses en el cine popular (1910-1970)" de Carlos Menéndez Otero por E. Guillermo Iglesias-Díaz . -
Iris recognition using the JAVAVis Library
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2008)This project has been created to develop a biometric identification system through a man’s iris using a computer to perform the processing of the pictures. To develop this application, and to differentiate the project ... -
Irregularidades en los contratos swaps o permutas financieras de interés
(04/07/2014)El presente trabajo analiza desde una óptica crítica las irregularidades cometidas por las entidades financieras españolas en la comercialización de contratos de permuta financiera o swaps en un determinado periodo de ... -
Is a Maximal Strength-Training Program Effective on Physical Fitness, Injury Incidence, and Injury Burden in Semi-Professional Soccer Players? A Randomized Controlled Trial
(Healthcare, 2023)The aims of the study were to analyze the effects of a 12-week maximal strength- training program on injury incidence, injury burden, and physical fitness in semi-professional soccer players and to compare the perceived ... -
Is Critical Thinking Particularly Necessary when Using Augmented Reality in Knowledge Society? An Introductory Paradox
(Augmented Reality: Reflections on Its Contribution to Knowledge Formation, 2017)The growth of Information and CommunicationTechnology has delivered such a vast amount of information that the term ‘information society’ was created to refer to a society characterized, above all, by the global and massive ... -
Is Customer Satisfaction Achieved Only with Good Hotel Facilities? A Moderated Mediation Model
(Administrative Sciences, 2023)Modern hotel business models tend to split ownership of the property and its business operations. It can be assumed that a good-quality hotel facility per se can easily achieve high customer satisfaction. The purpose of ... -
Is ESG Relevant to Electricity Companies during Pandemics? A Case Study on European Firms during COVID-19
(Sustainability, 2022)The electricity sector was negatively impacted by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with considerable declines in consumption in the initial phase. Investors were in turmoil, and stock prices for these companies plummeted. ... -
Is Metaverse in education a blessing or a curse: a combined content and bibliometric analysis
(Smart Learning Environments, 2022)The Metaverse has been the centre of attraction for educationists for quite some time. This field got renewed interest with the announcement of social media giant Facebook as it rebranding and positioning it as Meta. While ... -
Is my kid that naive? Parents’ perceptions of their children’s attitudes towards advertising on smartphones in Chile
(Journal of Children and Media, 27/12/2020)It is common to identify the ability to recognize advertising as a requirement for the development of a critical attitude towards commercial content. This paper reflects on the perception parents have of their children ... -
Is SARS-CoV-2 the only cause of long-COVID?
(AIDS Reviews, 2022)Around 10% of adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 that survive a first episode of COVID-19 appear to experience long-term clinical manifestations. The signs and symptoms of this post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) include ... -
Is Spain really different? Análisis comparado de las tasas judiciales y de la mediación civil y mercantil en derecho español y en derecho inglés.
(Revista General De Derecho Público Comparado, 07/2017)This paper carries out a comparative study of the Court fees and the Civil and Commercial mediation both in Spanish Law and English Law, in order to extract their main similarities and differences and to analyse the impact ... -
Is Spain really different?. A comparative analysis of court fess and civil and commercial mediation in Spanish and English law
(REVISTA GENERAL DE DERECHO PUBLICO COMPARADO, 2017)This paper carries out a comparative study of the Court fees and the Civil and Commercial mediation both in Spanish Law and English Law, in order to extract their main similarities and differences and to analyse the impact ... -
Is the Buen Vivir of indigenous social enterprises in Colombia informing SDGs?
(Social Enterprise Journal, 2023)Purpose: This paper aims to study the Colombia Buen Vivir and how indigenous social enterprise strategies inform and contribute for achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by reaching sustainability and the ... -
Is the Outcome the Most Important Modulator of Rating of Perceived Exertion in Male and Female Badminton Players?
(Science and racket sports V, 2017)Measures such as blood lactate (Bla), mean heart rate (mHR:) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) have been used as an index of physical effort in racket sports. The present study estimated the relationship between RPE ... -
Is there a religious explanation for high life satisfaction in Latin America?
(Third World Quarterly, 2023)Recent initiatives call for the incorporation of subjective well-being measures in the assessment of development. Latin Americans do report, on average, very high life satisfaction levels, which are also higher than what ... -
Is There an Internal Link between Seeing a Human and Seeing One to Whom Moral Consideration Is Due?
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2022)Is There an Internal Link between Seeing a Human and Seeing One to Whom Moral Consideration Is Due?