Listar por tema "cyberbullying"
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 52
Cyberbullying, Self-concept and Academic Goals in Childhood
(The Spanish journal of psychology, 11/11/2019)Cyberbullying has aroused scientific interest given the impact it has on the lives of young people. The present study proposes to analyze the relationship between self-concept (Self-Description Questionnaire I), academic ... -
Cyberbullying: Technological risk among adolescents
(Technological and Digital Risk: Research Issues, 01/2020)he general content of this chapter focuses on the technological risks that underlie the technological era and the consequences of inappropriate use by some population groups with a low perception of the risk of their actions ... -
Disminución de la ansiedad en las víctimas del bullying durante el confinamiento por el COVID-19
(Revista De Educación a Distancia (RED), 2021)Los factores estresantes generados por la pandemia de COVID 19 han tenido importantes consecuencias en la salud mental de muchos adolescentes, sin embargo, es posible que el cese de las ... -
Editorial: Examining bias-based cyberaggression and cybervictimization from a cross-cultural perspective
(Frontiers in Communication, 2022)[Resumen no disponible] -
Effects of a Brief Preventive Intervention in Cyberbullying and Grooming in Adolescents
(Psychosocial intervention, 2021)The development of brief and inexpensive interventions that reduce risky behaviors in adolescence constitute a challenge for current research. This study addresses the prevention of two online behavior problems in adolescents ... -
Effects of Intervention Program Prev@cib on Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 02/02/2019)Due to the negative consequences of being bullied and the increase in cyberbullying among adolescents, there is a need for evidence-based programs to prevent and intervene in these types of peer violence. The aim of this ... -
Eficacia del programa Prev@cib 2.0 en cyberbullying, conductas de ayuda y percepción de ayuda del profesor
(Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 2022)Introducción. El incremento y preocupación que suscita el cyberbullying en la comunidad educativa evidencia la necesidad de programas basados en evidencia que permitan prevenir e intervenir este tipo de violencia. El ... -
Epidemiology of peer cybervictimization and its relationship with health-related quality of life in adolescents: A prospective study
(Journal of Adolescence, 2023)Introduction: Research focused on the association between peer cybervictimization and declining health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is scarce. Currently, few longitudinal studies find an association between these ... -
Estudio sobre la prevención del acoso escolar a través de las TICs
(18/09/2013)En el presente Trabajo Fin de Master, primero se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica sobre estrategias de prevención del acoso escolar expuestas por diferentes autores, el empleo de las TICs para la prevención de ... -
Internet Risks: An Overview of Victimization in Cyberbullying, Cyber Dating Abuse, Sexting, Online Grooming and Problematic Internet Use
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11/2018)The advance of digital media has created risks that affect the bio-psycho-social well-being of adolescents. Some of these risks are cyberbullying, cyber dating abuse, sexting, online grooming and problematic Internet use. ... -
Internet, smartphones and social media as determining tools in the rise of cyberbullying cases
(Espacios, 2019)En los últimos años se ha producido en España un incremento alarmante de los casos de cyberbullying o ciberacoso. El artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación que analiza la incidencia del cyberbullying y el ... -
Internet-Risk Classes of Adolescents, Dispositional Mindfulness and Health-Related Quality of Life: A Mediational Model
(Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 08/2020)This study was primarily aimed at identifying classes of adolescents in relation to their probability of endorsing several risks associated with the Internet (cyberbullying victimization and perpetration, cyberdating abuse ... -
Parental communication and feelings of affiliation in adolescent aggressors and victims of cyberbullying
(Social Sciences, 12/2018)Cyberbullying is an increasingly frequent problem among adolescents, and it produces considerable social concern. Using a cross-sectional and quantitative methodology, the main objective of this study was to analyze the ... -
Percepción y experiencias sobre el ciberbullying en estudiantes universitarios
(ATTIC. Revista d'innovació educativa, 07/2018)En la actualidad nos encontramos con un alto porcentaje de uso de las TIC por parte de los adolescentes, principalmente en lo que se refiere a la comunicación on-line. Las amenazas, burlas, suplantación de la identidad y ... -
Personality traits and aggression as explanatory variables of cyberbullying in spanish preadolescents
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 02/08/2020)There is a growing interest in preventing cyberbullying in youth. However, multiple questions remain as to the relationship between cyberbullying and psychosocial variables. This study examines the relationship between ... -
Presentación: Acoso escolar y riesgos de Internet: diagnóstico, prevención e intervención
(Revista de Educación, 2022)La victimización entre iguales es un problema educativo, social y de salud de gran relevancia. El sistema educativo y la sociedad ha avanzado en las últimas décadas en el abordaje y prevención de estas problemáticas, pero ... -
Prevalence of Bullying and Cyberbullying in the Last Stage of Primary Education in the Basque Country
(Spanish Journal of Psychology, 29/10/2018)Bullying and cyberbullying pose a serious problem in our schools. Despite this research area's increasing relevance, most research into cyberbullying in the present day has focused only on adolescents. However, given the ... -
Prevención de la violencia y el acoso en la red en adolescentes: estrategias familiares de crecimiento personal
(Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria., 2022)En los últimos años se han desarrollado y puesto en marcha estudios y protocolos de detección e intervención de fenómenos de agresividad virtual en adolescentes -ciberodio y ciberacoso, entre otros-. Este artículo va a ... -
Preventing cyberbullying through ICT-centric education: a case study
(Routledge, 2021)Numerous studies have examined the phenomenon of bullying. The development of information and communications technology (ICT) has enabled an emerging form of bullying known as cyberbullying. This article presents a case ... -
Propuesta de protocolo para el empleo de mediación en conflictos escolares
(2013)Esta investigación refleja la realidad de la intervención de las nuevas tecnologías dentro de la convivencia de los alumnos para observar si está influyendo en el surgimiento de nuevos conflictos. ¿Cuál son estos nuevos ...