Listar por tema "burnout"
Mostrando ítems 21-27 de 27
Sport emotions profiles: Relationships with burnout and coping skills among competitive athletes
(International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10/2019)The aims of the study were to identify naturally occurring competitive emotional profiles and examine whether participants from several profiles significantly differed on burnout and coping. A sample of 424 competitive ... -
Study of the Predictive Validity of the Burnout Granada Questionnaire in Police Officers
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 09/2020)Professionals with burnout have negative physical and psychological effects, with adverse consequences in their workplace. Burnout mainly affects assisting professions; amongst them, police work is one of the professions ... -
Study of the Prevalence of Burnout in University Professors in the Period 2005-2020
(Hindawi Limited, 2021)The purpose of this research is to carry out a systematic review of the existing scientific literature on the prevalence of Burnout in university professors in the time period 2005-2020. For that purpose, an exploratory ... -
The Current Mental Health of Healthcare Workers 3 Years After the Start of the Pandemic: The Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Indices of Mental Health
(Sage Journals, 2023)Healthcare workers have been a vulnerable group during the pandemic. Even today, they continue to deal with the virus and its consequences. Such sustained stress over time has led to the development of mental health problems ... -
The Mediator Role of Feelings of Guilt in the Process of Burnout and Psychosomatic Disorders: A Cross-Cultural Study
(Frontiers in psychology, 2021)Burnout was recently declared by WHO as an "occupational phenomenon" in the International Classification of Diseases 11th revision (ICD-11), recognizing burnout as a serious health issue. Earlier studies have shown that ... -
(Un)Broken: Lateral violence among hospital nurses, user violence, burnout, and general health: A structural equation modeling analysis
(Frontiers in Medicine, 2022)Introduction: Workplace violence is a social problem yet to be solved. Although it is present in virtually all work environments, its prevalence in healthcare settings stands out, being perceived as something inherent to ... -
Validez factorial del cuestionario para la evaluación del síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (CESQT) en profesionales de servicios
(Interciencia, 06/2018)Hoy en día, y desde la aparición del Inventario Maslach de Burnout (MBI), existen diversos aportes científicos alternativos de medición del burnout; sin embargo, la gran mayoría de esos cuestionarios nacen en contextos ...