Mostrando ítems 121-140 de 450

    • DEFeND Architecture: A Privacy by Design Platform for GDPR Compliance 

      Piras, Luca; Ghazi Al-Obeidalla, Mohammed; Praitano, Andrea; Tsohou, Aggeliki; Mouratidis, Haralambos; Gallego-Nicasio Crespo, Beatriz; Baptiste Bernard, Jean; Fiorani, Marco; Magkos, Emmanouil; Castillo Sanz, Andrés G ; Pavlidis, Michalis; D’Addario, Roberto; Giovanni Zorzino, Giuseppe (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019)
      The advent of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes organizations to cope with radical changes concerning user data protection paradigms. GDPR, by promoting a Privacy by Design approach, obliges ...
    • Defunciones por COVID-19 en España y estadísticas de mortalidad 

      Barbería, Eneko; Grijalba, Marta ; Martínez, José Amador; Marcos, Rosa Ana; García, Victoria (Gaceta sanitaria, 2021)
      Sr. Director: Hemos leído con interés el artículo de Cirera et al.1 sobre las defunciones por COVID-19 en España, el cual desearíamos complementar y explicar la experiencia en la Comunidad de Castilla y León en cuanto a ...
    • Design and implementation of a virtual laboratory for physics subjects in moroccan universities 

      EL Kharki, Khadija; Berrada, Khalid; Burgos, Daniel (Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021)
      Laboratory experimentation has a vital role in science education. With the potential offered by information and communication technologies for the educational domain, virtual laboratories have emerged as a valuable alternative ...
    • Design and Validation of the Brief Self Online Scale (SO-8) in Early Adolescence: An Exploratory Study 

      Ortega-Barón, Jessica ; Machimbarrena, Juan Manuel; Montiel, Irene ; Buelga, Sofía; Basterra-González, Mª Aránzazu ; González-Cabrera, Joaquín (Journal of early adolescence, 2021)
      For the Z-Generation, the Internet has become a very important experimentation laboratory for the discovery and validation of their identity. Despite the importance of the process of building the self in the adolescent, ...
    • Design Model for MOOCs in China 

      Zheng, Qinhua; Li, Chen; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2018)
      Fanatical behind MOOCs, we must ponder what essence is it? Ultimately, MOOCs origin is online learning, which is a form of education. Since it is education, course design is a systematic approach to its success. The study ...
    • Design of a Non-deterministic Model for a Propagation of VHF Radio Signal in the Ecuadorian Jungle 

      Rodas, Federico; Paredes-Calderón, Manolo; Giménez de Ory, Elena ; Garzón, Diego; Ayala, Emilia (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2020)
      This paper develops a propagation model of electromagnetic signals emitted at frequencies of 20 and 40 MHz for the Ecuadorian jungle. The expected results of this research will be applied to produce a complete coverage map ...
    • Design thinking application methodology for pediatric service innovation 

      Serrano Cárdenas, Lizeth Fernanda; Bravo Ibarra, Edna Rocío; Díaz Piraquive, Flor Nancy; Rozo-Rojas, Ivanhoe; González-Crespo, Rubén ; Calvo, Ana (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018)
      Design Thinking is defined as a methodology that facilitates the generation and implementation of innovative ideas contributing to competitiveness in the current dynamic context. The aim of this article delves into the ...
    • Design Thinking para la superación de la brecha digital en educación 

      Salgado Castro, Carlos Javier; Baena, Luis Rodríguez; Moreno-Ger, Pablo (Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, 2022)
      La era digital supone nuevas oportunidades para acercar la educación a comunidades tradicionalmente excluidas de los sistemas educativos, sin embargo, mientras no se supere la brecha digital, los ciudadanos experimentarán ...
    • Designing a methodology for online assessment 

      Mosquera Gende, Ingrid ; Conde del Río, Alba (Iceri2016: 9TH International conference of education, reserch and innovation, 2016)
      With this research paper, we aim to revisit theories regarding different approaches to online assessment, including the difficulties that are encountered during the process. It also offers particular educational examples ...
    • Detecting Malware in Cyberphysical Systems Using Machine Learning: a Survey 

      Montes, F. ; Bermejo-Higuera, Javier ; Sanchez, L. E.; Bermejo Higuera, Juan Ramón ; Sicilia, Juan Antonio (KSII transactions on internet and information systems, 2021)
      Among the scientific literature, it has not been possible to find a consensus on the definition of the limits or properties that allow differentiating or grouping the cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things ...
    • Detection and evaluation of the reading habits shown by university students in the field of literary works on electronic media: a case study at the international university of la rioja 

      Peiró Sempere, Julio ; Jiménez Fernández, Concepción María ; Rosa Rivero, Álvaro ; Martínez Nieto, Roxana Beatriz ; Roldán Martínez, Ignacio (Inted2014: 8TH International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2014)
      The International University of La Rioja (UNIR) is an internationally oriented online University whose main concern is to apply new technology to provide students with a set of high-quality standards in higher education. ...
    • Determinants of customer experience in e-services: the case of online universities 

      Izquierdo-Yusta, Alicia; Jimenez-Zarco, Ana; Martinez-Ruiz, Maria Pilar Maria Pilar; González-González, Ines (RBGN-Revista Brasileira de Gestao de negocios, 2021)
      Purpose - The study analyzes the key drivers of consumer experience in e-services, with the particular goal of defining and quantifying the influence of website quality and university brand assessments on the experience ...
    • Development and validation of a scale as a tool for improving happiness in the classroom 

      Cerdá Suárez, Luis Manuel (10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 2018)
      The growth of the virtual learning at universities over the past decade is one of the most widely used examples to understand how the recent evolution of computing in all manner of devices has caused the creation of the ...
    • Dialnet Métricas como herramienta de evaluación bibliométrica: aportes al análisis de la actividad científica en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 

      Gregorio-Chaviano, Orlando; Repiso, Rafael ; Calderón-Rehecho, Antonio; León-Marin, Joaquin; Jiménez Contreras, Evaristo (Profesional de la información, 2021)
      Dentro del panorama actual de evaluación de la ciencia, las limitaciones de los índices de citación para estudiar las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades han sido motivo de amplio debate. Para resolver esta situación, se han ...
    • Differences in lifetime patterns of psychostimulants and their impact on the proportion of patients with first-episode psychosis attributable to psychostimulants use across europe 

      Duran-Cutilla, Manuel; Toscano, Elisa Rodriguez; Fraguas, David; López, G.; Rapado-Castro, Marta; Roldán, Laura; Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Teresa; Calvo, Ana; Martínez-Caneja, Covadonga; Arango, Celso (Schizophrenia Bulletin, 18/05/2020)
      Meeting Abstract de la conferencia "Congress of the Schizophrenia-International-Research-Society (SRIS)", Italia, 2020
    • Difusión investigativa y posición en el ranking SCImago de las universidades españolas 

      Rodriguez Pallares, Miriam; Martín Quevedo, Juan ; Prieto-Gutiérrez, Juan José (Investigacion Bibliotecologica, 2020)
      La medición y control de la actividad universitaria es cada vez más relevante y condiciona la imagen institucional. La proliferación de rankings internacionales así lo evidencia. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar ...
    • Digital Libraries in Open Education: The Italy Case 

      Tammaro, Anna Maria; Ciancio, Laura; de Rosa, Rosanna; Pantò, Eleonora; Nascimbeni, Fabio (Communications in Computer and Information Science, IRCDL 2017, 2017)
      Open Education strategies, and specifically MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) and OER (Open Educational Resources), play an important role in supporting policies for educational innovation, lifelong learning, and, more ...
    • Digital news on public libraries: Media mapping and thematic and consumption analysis based on facebook interactions 

      Lázaro-Rodríguez, Pedro (Profesional de la Informacion, 2021)
      A study of digital news on public libraries is presented through media mapping and a thematic and consumption analysis based on Facebook interactions. A total of 7,629 digital news items published in 2019 have been considered. ...
    • Dimensions for revitalizing happiness in the classroom: innovative spaces in higher education 

      Cerdá Suárez, Luis Manuel (2017)
      As a result of the increasing importance of the discipline of Positive Psychology in several academic areas, positive evaluations of life satisfaction are linked to happiness and numerous studies have addressed overall ...
    • Dimensión económica y cultural del mercado del libro en España (1995-2019) 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Profesional de la información, 2021)
      Se ofrece una visión del mercado de la edición de libros en España para el período 1995-2019. En primer lugar se analiza la estructura del sector editorial; en segundo lugar, el mercado del libro (oferta y demanda) así ...